Dr. Stefan Alscher

born 1972 in Delmenhorst/Germany
present place of residence:  Berlin


since 2015: Founder and owner of CINTLI Tortillas Berlin

11/2012-11/2014: Researcher at the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees, Research Group. (see: www.bamf.de)

8/2010-10/2012: Researcher at the INEP Institut Oldenburg gGmbH, International Institute for Sustainable Energy Management, Policy, Risks and Social Innovations (see: www.inep-institut.org)

1/2007-5/2009: Project Manager of the EU-research project "Environmental Change and Forced Migration Scenarios" (see: www.each-for.eu)

7/2005-1/2009: Researcher and lecturer at the Center on Migration, Citizenship and Development, Bielefeld University/Germany (see: www.uni-bielefeld.de/(en)/tdrc/ag_comcad/)

9/2004-6/2005: Visiting Research Fellow at the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California San Diego (CCIS-UCSD) (see: http://ccis.ucsd.edu)

1/2001-6/2004: Research assistant and lecturer at the department of Demography, Faculty of Sociology, Humboldt University Berlin

Jan.-Apr. 2002: Internship, Friedrich Ebert Foundation, Delegation in Madrid/Spain,

2000-2002: Coordinator of exchange projects Germany-México; Carl Duisberg Society / ASA Programme (see: www.asa-programm.de)

since 1998: Member of the editorial board, Newsletter “Migration und Bevölkerung” [Migration and Population] (see: www.migration-info.de)

10/97-12/2000: Student assistant at the department of Demography, Faculty of Sociology, Humboldt University Berlin

Feb.-Jun. 1997: Internship, Office of the Commissioner for Foreigners’ Affairs, Berlin Senate (see: www.berlin.de/lb/intmig/index.en.html)

Jan. 1995: Internship, European Parliament, Department of Personnel and Finances, Brussels/Belgium

9/1991-11/92: Civilian Service (alternative service for conscientious objectors, instead of the obligatory military service), individual assistance for persons with severe physical disabilities, Selbsthilfe Körperbehinderter Göttingen e.V. (see: www.shk-goe.de)


9/2004-6/2005: “Visiting Research Fellow” at the Center for Comparative Immigration Studies, University of California San Diego (CCIS-UCSD)

4/2001-3/2004: Doctoral studies, Berlin Graduate School of Social Sciences (BGSS, Humboldt University Berlin); fieldwork in Spain, Morocco and Poland (subject: undocumented migration and border control at the ‘edges’ of the EU)

Oct. 2000: Grade of Master in Sciences (Social Sciences), subject of thesis: “Markets, migration, maquiladoras: the impact of free trade on migration processes in a regional perspective (Tijuana/San Diego)”, Humboldt University Berlin

10/96-12/2000: Master Studies in Social Sciences at Humboldt University Berlin; focus on: Internatioal Relations, Demography, Migration Studies, Development Studies

9/1995-6/1996: Study sojourn at the Universidad Veracruzana, Xalapa/Mexico

Aug. 1995 “Vordiplom” (intermediate diploma) at the Georg-August University in Göttingen/Germany; subject: problems of the democratic deficit in decision-making processes in the European Union

10/1992-8/95: University studies in Social Sciences at the Georg-August University in Göttingen/Germany

Jun. 1991: “Abitur” (university entrance qualification), Alexander-von-Humboldt-Schule (KGS) Wittmund/Germany

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